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Mi descrivo

sono indipendente e determinata.sono anche un po' romanticona. non sopporto le persone troppo insistenti (nn mi piacciono i tipi troppo normali e poco creativi)

Su di me

Situazione sentimentale


Lingue conosciute

Inglese, Francese

I miei pregi

pazza.... già, direi ke sn letteralmnete PAZZA E SKIZZZATA

I miei difetti

beh... se nn vi piace il rock, la buona musica, il fantasy, e le persone PAZZE E SKIZZATE e ribelli e animaliste e/o ambientaliste nn contattatemi

Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. rock e altra musica
  2. ciccolata
  3. la sincerità

Tre cose che odio

  1. rap
  2. bugiardi
  3. Bush

I miei interessi

Vacanze Ok!

  • Spiagge incontaminate

Vacanze Ko!

  • Enogastronomia
  • Passioni

    • Arte
    • Suonare
    • Musica


    • Rock
    • Punk


    • Piatti italiani
    • Cinese


    • Fantasy


    • Basket
    • Pallavolo


    • Horror
    • Fantasy

    Libro preferito

    ne ho tanti...

    Meta dei sogni

    Australia e Nuova Zelanda, Caraibi

    Film preferito

    ne ho tanti...

    Extraordinary Girl

    An Extraordinary girl
    In an ordinary world
    And she can't seem to get away

    Lacks the courage in his mind
    Like a child left behind
    Like a pet left in the rain

    She's all alone again
    Wiping the tears from her eyes
    Some days she feels like dying
    She gets so sick of crying

    She sees the mirror of herself
    And image she wants to sell
    To anyone willing to buy

    He steals the image in her kiss
    From her heart's apocalypse
    From the one called whatsername

    She's all alone again
    Wiping the tears from her eyes
    Some days she feels like dying
    She gets so sick of crying

    She's all alone again
    Wiping the tears from her eyes
    Some days she feels like dying
    Some days it's not worth trying
    Now that they've pulled the fun in
    She gets so sick of crying

    An Extraordinary girl
    An Extraordinary girl
    An Extraordinary girl
    An Extraordinary girl
    Billie Joe Armstrong - Green Day

    The Saints Are Coming

    There is a house in New Orleans
    They call the Rising Sun
    It's been the ruin
    Of many a poor boy
    And God I know I'm one

    I cried to my daddy on the telephone “how long now?”
    “Until the clouds unroll and you come down,” The line went
    But the shadows still remain since your descent, your descent

    I cried to my daddy on the telephone “how long now?”
    “Until the clouds unroll and you come home,” The line went
    But the shadows still remain since your descent, your descent

    Boom Cha Hey!

    The saints are coming
    The saints are coming
    I say no matter how I try
    I realize there's no reply

    The saints are coming
    The saints are coming
    I say no matter how I try
    I realize there's no reply

    A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief, how long now
    Until a weather change condemns belief, how long now
    When the night watchman lets in the thief, what's wrong now

    Boom Cha Hey!

    The saints are coming
    The saints are coming
    I say no matter how I try
    I realize there's no reply

    The saints are coming
    The saints are coming
    I say no matter how I try
    I realize there's no reply
    I say no matter how I try
    I realize there's no reply
    I say no matter how I try
    I realize there's no reply

    Billiejoe Armstong - Green Day & Bono - U2

    She's A Rebel

    She's a rebel
    She's a saint
    She's salt of the earth
    And she's dangerous

    She's a rebel
    Missing link on the brink
    Of destruction

    From Chicago to Toronto
    She's the one that they
    Call old whatsername

    She's the symbol
    of resistance
    and she's holding on my
    heart like a hand grenade

    Is she dreaming
    what I'm thinking
    Is she the mother of all bombs
    gonna detonate

    Is she trouble
    like I'm trouble
    make it a double
    twist of fate
    or a melody that

    She sings the revolution
    the dawning of our lives
    she brings this liberation
    that I just can't define
    nothing comes to mind 

    She's a rebel
    She's a saint
    She's salt of the earth
    And she's dangerous

    She's a rebel
    Missing link on the brink
    Of destruction

    She's a rebel
    She's a saint
    She's salt of the earth
    And she's dangerous

    She's a rebel
    Missing link on the brink
    Of destruction

    She's a rebel, She's a rebel, She's a rebel, And she's dangerous

    BillieJoe  Armstrong - GREEN DAY

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