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Mi descrivo

guardian angels

Su di me

Situazione sentimentale


Lingue conosciute


I miei pregi


I miei difetti


Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. angeli
  2. guardian
  3. nessuna

Tre cose che odio

  1. nessuna
  2. nessuna
  3. nessuna

guardiano delle anime


If you only knew how much I suffer with you
from life's bitterness.
I'd like to caress you with fleshy hands,
but I whisper it to who is beside you.
I'd like to tell you the truest love words
but I suggest them to who gives you a word.
I'd like to see you harvest all the love you sow
to feel you are satisfied about your life
but like everything, time will let grow the fruit
you let be born.
Be happy, because by your hands I give love
to who is lucky enough to meet you.
You maybe don't know that, but I'm your angel,
the one who will never abandon you and is here only for you
and thanks to you can love the world

guardian angels

Se solo sapessi quanto soffro insieme a te
dell'amaro della vita.
Vorrei accarezzarti con mani di carne,
ma lo sussurro a chi ti sta accanto.
Vorrei dirti le parole più vere dell'amore,
ma le suggerisco a chi ti regala una parola.
Vorrei vederti raccogliere tutto l'amore che semini
per sentirti soddisfatto della tua vita,
ma come ogni cosa il tempo lascerà crescere il frutto
che tu stesso hai fatto nascere.
Gioisci, perchè attraverso le tue mani io regalo l'amore
a chi ha la fortuna di incontrarti.
Tu non lo sai forse ma io sono il tuo angelo,
quello che mai ti abbandonerà e che è qui solo per te
e grazie a te può amare il mondo.



It's true, it isn't a story;
there is a Guardian Angel
who takes you and carries you like the wind
and goes with children wherever children go.

He has soft hair
that blows in the wind.
He has grave sweet eyes
that quiet you with a look
and destroy your fears with their brightness.
(It isn't a story, it's true).

He has a body, hands and winged feet,
six wings that soar and glide,
six wings that carry you through wingthrashed air
though you may sleep.

He makes the ripe fruit sweeter
that streams from your honeyed lips;
he cracks the nut from its crafty shell
and sets you free from gnomes and witches.

It is he who helps you cut roses
that sit in a snare of thorns,
and carries you over treacherous waters
and lifts you up the steepest crag.

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