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ultimo accesso: 27 febbraio

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Mi descrivo

Libera come il vento,egoista,sognatrice,realista,immortale,tutto altro e di piu...

Su di me

Situazione sentimentale


Lingue conosciute

Inglese, Croato, Serbo

I miei pregi

son perfetta

I miei difetti

son perfetta

Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. gatti
  2. la storia
  3. mio lavoro

Tre cose che odio

  1. gente stupida
  2. gente stupida
  3. gente stupida

I miei interessi

Vacanze Ok!

  • Avventura


  • Cucina
  • Lettura


  • Piatti italiani
  • Cinese


  • Horror
  • Erotici


  • Calcio e calcetto
  • Sci


  • Drammatico
  • Storico

Libro preferito

di Anne Rice e William Shakespeare

Meta dei sogni

Stati Uniti, capitali europee

Film preferito

son troppi per sceglere uno solo



Amato Marius

  "This is the only sun you will ever seen again. But a millennium of nights will be yours to see light as no mortal has ever seen it, to snatch from the distant stars, as if you were Prometheus, an endless illumination in which to understand all things."

   "There were times, of course, when all of that was very interesting. To glide without seeming to take steps, to assume physical positions that are uncomfortable or impossible for mortals. To fly short distances and land without a sound. To move objects by the mere wish to do so. But it can be crude, finally. Human gestures are elegant. There is wisdom in the flesh, in the way the human body does things. I like the sound of my foot touching the ground, the feel of objects in my fingers. Besides, to fly even short distances and to move things by sheer will alone is exhausting. I can do it when I have to, as you've seen, but it's much easier to use my hands to do things. A singer can shatter a glass with the proper high note, but the simplest way for anyone to break a glass is simply to drop it on the floor.

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