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Mi descrivo

Trovo molto vanitoso descriversi da soli...

Su di me

Situazione sentimentale


Lingue conosciute

Inglese, Tedesco

I miei pregi

Sono buona, gentile, paziente

I miei difetti

Quando voglio non ho pazienza

Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. Michael Jackson
  2. Oscar Wilde
  3. William Shakespeare

Tre cose che odio

  1. Lo sfruttamento
  2. La persecuzione
  3. L'erbazzone di verdure

I miei interessi

Vacanze Ok!

  • Montagna

Vacanze Ko!

  • In bici
  • Passioni

    • Arte
    • Musica


    • Pop


    • Piatti italiani


    • Avventura
    • Narrativa


    • Sci


    • Drammatico

    Libro preferito

    Il Ritratto di Dorian Gray

    Meta dei sogni

    Stati Uniti, Russia

    Film preferito

    This Is It

    La Duchessa Di Padova-Oscar Wilde

    Chiedi all'uccello marino se ama il mare, chiedi alla rosa se ama la pioggia, chiedi all'allodola -ch'è muta nel buio- se ami vedere la luce del giorno... Ma questi sono ancora semplici immagini, tenui riflessi del mio amore

    My words

    Se ridere allunga la vita, allora io vivrò fino a duemila anni.  

    Michael Jackson? L'ottava meraviglia del mondo.

    Adoro cantare, ma non vorrei mai essere in quelli che mi ascoltano! 

    Certe volte vorrei essere una mosca, per entrare in sala insegnanti mentre fanno gli scrutini prima delle pagelle... anche se non so se ci rimarrei bene nel vedere i miei voti...

    My photos



    My home


    La linea costiera della norvegia meridionale è frequentemente spezzata, per colpa dei monti e dei fiumi. La montagna si propaggina in colli  e promontori davanti ai quali si adagiano spesso le isole; i fiumi hanno scavato le valli e sfociano in insenature.
    In una di queste insenature vi era la fattoria (...)
    I monti all'orizzonte avevano un aspetto grandioso, ma lì davanti erano più bassi. La fattoria giaceva tra due catene di colli, lunghe, prominenti, coperte di boschi. Le case erano talmente addossate alle alture (...) che il vento di ponente non vi aveva alcun accesso.

    Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Mary, 1906

    Michael Jackson


    The way you make me feel

    Go on girl!

    Hey pretty baby with the high heels on
    You give me fever
    Like I've never, ever known
    You're just a product of loveliness
    I like the groove of your walk,
    Your talk, your dress
    I feel your fever
    From miles around
    I'll pick you up in my car
    And we'll paint the town
    Just kiss me baby
    And tell me twice
    That you're the one for me

    The way you make me feel
    (The way you make me feel)
    You really turn me on
    (You really turn me on)
    You knock me off of my feet
    (You knock me off of my feet)
    My lonely days are gone
    (My lonely days are gone)

    I like the feelin' you're givin' me
    Just hold me baby and I'm in ecstasy
    Oh I'll be workin' from nine to five
    To buy you things to keep you by my side
    I never felt so in love before
    Just promise baby, you'll love me forever more
    I swear I'm keepin' you satisfied
    'Cause you're the one for me

    The way you make me feel
    (The way you make me feel)
    You really turn me on
    (You really turn me on)
    You knock me off of my feet now baby - hee!
    (You knock me off of my feet)
    My lonely days are gone - a acha acha
    (My lonely days are gone)

    Go on girl!
    Go on! Hee! Hee! Aaow!
    Go on girl!
    I never felt so in love before
    Promise baby, you'll love me forevermore
    I swear I'm keepin' you satisfied
    'Cause you're the one for me. . .

    I love you


    I hate you


    My world

    Territorio: 386 958 km2
    Popolazione (2005): 4.606.000
    Densità: 14 ab/Km²
    Forma di governo: Monarchia costituzionale ereditaria
    Capo dello Stato:  Sua Maestà Re Harald V di Norvegia
    Capo del Governo: Primo Ministro Jens Stoltenberg
    Capitale: Oslo (519.000 ab., 801.000 aggl. urbano)
    Altre città: Bergen 212.600 ab., Trondheim 145.700 ab., Stavanger 110.700 ab.
    Gruppi etnici: Norvegesi 95%, Asiatici 1%, Svedesi 0,6%, Lapponi 0,5%, Danesi 0,4%, altri 2,5%
    Paesi confinanti: Svezia, Finlandia, Russia a EST
    Lingua: Norvegese (Bokmål e Nynorsk)
    Religione: Chiesa di Norvegia (Evangelica Luterana)
    Moneta: Corona norvegese


    Your butt is mine
    Gonna tell you right
    Just show your face
    In broad daylight
    I'm telling you
    On how I feel
    Gonna hurt your mind
    Don't shoot to kill
    Come on

    Come on
    Lay it on me
    All right...

    I'm giving you
    On count of three
    To show your stuff
    Or let it be
    I'm telling you
    Just watch your mouth
    I know your game
    What you're about

    Well they say the sky's the limit
    And to me that's really true
    But my friend you have seen nothin'
    Just wait 'til I get through...
    Because I'm bad, I'm bad - come on
    (Bad bad - really, really bad)
    You know I'm bad, I'm bad - come on, you know
    (Bad bad - really, really bad)
    And the whole world has to
    Answer right now
    Just to tell you once again
    Who's bad...

    The word is out
    You're doin' wrong
    Gonna lock you up
    Before too long
    Your lyin' eyes
    Gonna tell you right
    So listen up
    Don't make a fight
    Your talk is cheap
    You're not a man
    You're throwin' stones
    To hide your hands

    But they say the sky's the limit
    And to me that's really true
    And my friends you have seen nothin'
    Just wait 'til I get through...


    We can change the world tomorrow
    This could be a better place
    If you don't like what I'm sayin'
    Then won't you slap my face...


    Woo! Woo! Woo!
    (And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again...)

    (Repeat - ad lib)

    Who's bad?


    Your love is magical, that's how I feel
    But I have not the words here to explain
    Gone is the grace for expressions of passion
    But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain
    To tell you how I feel
    But I am speechless, speechless
    That's how you make me feel
    Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real
    When I'm with you I am lost for words, I don't know what to say
    My head's spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray
    Helpless and hopeless, that's how I feel inside
    Nothing's real, but all is possible if God is on my side
    When I'm with you I am in the light where I cannot be found
    It's as though I am standing in the place called Hallowed Ground
    Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
    Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real
    I'll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face
    There's no mountain high I cannot climb
    I'm humbled in your grace
    Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
    Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real
    Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
    Though I'm with you I am far away, and nothing is for real
    Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel
    Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real
    SpeechlessYour love is magical, that's how I feel
    But in your presence I am lost for words
    Words like, "I love you."

    Michael Jackson

    Oscar Wilde

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