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Mi descrivo

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Su di me

Situazione sentimentale


Lingue conosciute

Inglese, Spagnolo, Tedesco

I miei pregi

I\'ve never thought about it

I miei difetti

People don\'t like me, so I don\'t like them too

Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. Musica Metal-Rock
  2. Karate, in particolare l'arte dei kata
  3. La mia camera, il mio mondo in miniatura

Tre cose che odio

  1. Ipocriti,incoerenti,falsi e menefreghisti
  2. Fascisti e figli di papà
  3. le ingiustizie

I miei interessi

Vacanze Ok!

  • Prendo l'auto e parto

Vacanze Ko!

  • Spirituale
  • Passioni

    • Musica
    • Lettura


    • Rock
    • Metal


    • Piatti italiani
    • Veggy


    • Storici


    • Arti marziali
    • Trekking
    • Bike


    • Storico
    • Fantasy

    Libro preferito

    Il cacciatore di aquiloni, Mille splendidi soli, Rivoluzione Cubana, Il manifesto del partito comunista e tanti altri!..

    Meta dei sogni

    Sud America, Caraibi

    Film preferito

    I cento passi, I diari della motocicletta, Che-L\'argentino, Che-La Guerriglia, e tantissimi altri


    Read the words that are written in their face Why believe them? I believe them! It's a shame for they, lost their head A careless man who could wind up dead You wear your sin like it's some kind of prize Too many lies, too many lies Oh, oh, these words are true, and I'll make you believe Yeah, ya' fight for air and struggle just to breathe And you wear your cowardice well And I will see you ride it straight to Hell "Echoed Hell" It's written in your face, the shadows of my eyes When the devil comes to call you "echoed you", it breaks your hurting ties The land will break and the seas will rise The wind will rage as it burns the sky All you beliefs will be broken and torn On your final day, When I'll end it all Oh, oh these words are true, and I'll make you believe Yeah, your time is done and now it's time to bleed And you wear your cowardice well And I will see you ride it straight to Hell (Yeah! ) (Some noise) And I will see you ride it straight to Hell

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