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Mi trovi anche qui


theseventhwave8 non ha ancora amici. Chiedi l'amicizia prima di tutti!

Bacheca15 post
theseventhwave8 13 giugno



                     Life is a journey?


                         Life is a Dream?


         Life is a plan that unfolds day after day


             and you don't realize it unless you look back.





                      Non sai se ha senso.


            In certi momenti, il senso non conta. 


                        Contano i legami.





       You can't touch thoughts...but they can touch you



                     Alle cose lontane...

                           ...che sono le più vicine



Ti piace?

Mi descrivo

She is the inflexible... She is carefree, naive, rebellious, she overwhelms and sweeps everything away, giving it another shape...

Su di me

Situazione sentimentale


Lingue conosciute


I miei pregi


I miei difetti


Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. nessuna
  2. nessuna
  3. nessuna

Tre cose che odio

  1. nessuna
  2. nessuna
  3. nessuna

Do you know the history of the seventh wave?

She is the inflexible...The first six are predictable and harmonious. They condition each other, they arise one after the other, they don't cause surprises. They preserve continuity. Six assaults, which appear so different when observed from a distance, six assaults... and always the same objective.

But watch out for the seventh wave...

It's unpredictable...She goes unnoticed for a long time, takes part in the monotonous assault, adapts to those who preceded her. But sometimes he runs away...

Always and only her, always and only the seventh wave. Because she is carefree, naive, rebellious, she overwhelms and sweeps everything away, giving it another shape...

Better or worse? Only those who, captivated by her, had the courage to take up her challenge, to let themselves be enchanted by her spell, can say this...

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