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anExParrot non ha ancora amici. Chiedi l'amicizia prima di tutti!

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anExParrot più di un mese fa

He's not pining! He's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker! He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed him to the perch he'd be pushing up the daisies! His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!



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Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. .
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  3. .

Tre cose che odio

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .



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