Mi descrivo
......Mai tornare indietro, neanche per prendere la rincorsa...
-Andrea Pazienza-
Is this the sense of life?
think about...
Ciò che sono
Un capitano Achab in un mare senz'acqua, alla continua ricerca
della sua Moby Dick:
“Nave gloriosa fino alla morte, devi tu perire senza di me?
Oh solitaria morte di una vita solitaria!
Riversatevi ora qui arditi flutti della mia vita trascorsa
e coronate questo grande maroso della mia morte.
Io mi volgo verso di te, mostro
fino all’ultimo lotto con te.
Dal cuore dell’inferno io ti trafiggo
in nome dell’odio io vomito su di te l’ultimo respiro!
Legato a te dannata balena, così io getto le armi”
A Secret Message To You
This is what I made
Made it just for you
It's better than a letter
I'm sending it to you
It is made of wood
Mud and salt and glue
I wanted to build it big
And sail away with you
This is where the wood
Started to get loose
And this is where I painted little deer
A secret message to you
It's tiny sail that I cut from a magazine
With the letters of your name
I want to see it go
It wishes it was in the sea tonight
And I weighed it with an anchor
Just an eraser
It is really much too small to use
I ran out glue
You could put it in the water
And pretend that I am there with you
Sailing in the sea together
Me and you...
Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect
And here I dreamt I was a soldier
And I marched the streets of Birkenau
And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
The carnival was ringing loudly now
And just to lay with you
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
Save lay my rifle down
And try one, and try two
Guess it always comes down to
All right, it's okay, guess it's better to turn this way
And I am nothing of a builder
But here I dreamt I was an architect
And I built this balustrade
To keep you home, to keep you safe
From the outside world
But the angles and the corners
Even though my work is unparalleled
They never seemed to meet
This structure fell about our feet
And we were free to go
And try one, and try two
Guess it always comes down to
All right, okay, guess it's better to turn this way
And here in Spain I am a Spaniard
I will be buried with my marionettes
Countess and courtesan
Have fallen 'neath my tender hand
When their husbands were not around
But you, my soiled teenage girlfriend
And how you are furrowed like a lioness
And we are vagabonds
We travel without seatbelts on
We live this close to death
And try one, and try two
Guess it always comes down to
All right, okay, guess it's better to turn this
But I won, so you lose
Guess it always comes down to
Alright, it's okay, guess it's better to turn this way
-The Decemberists-